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The Miraculous Medal

And The

Lady of All Nations



 The connection between the Miraculous Medal and The Lady of All Nations will become, after adequate reflection, readily apparent. The former is the beginning of the Marian Age, the latter is its fulfillment. It has come full circle. All apparitions that have occurred between these two are related to these two specific apparitions.


The Image of the Miraculous Medal


From the Cross, Our Lord asks us: Behold Thy Mother, The Lady of All Nations!

From the foot of the Cross, Our Mother asks us: Behold My Son, The Lord of All Nations!


The Miraculous Medal was given to us by Our Mother when She appeared to St. Catherine Laboure at the rue du Bac, in Paris, France on November 27, 1830. If you look closely at the medal, you will observe the three concepts of who Our Mother is: Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate.

1) On the front side of the Miraculous Medal you see Mary, as Mediatrix, with the rays of grace streaming down from the jewels on Her fingers. Here we understand that Our Blessed Mother, as Mediatrix and as Spouse of the Holy Spirit,mmtrans.gif (40013 bytes)shares the graces of God with us, Her children. Likewise, the Lady of All Nations stands as Mediatrix with open arms distributing graces upon Her children.

2) Above Her head on the Miraculous Medal, in the form of an arch, we see the prayer for Her Advocacy: "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee." This points to Our Mother's role as Advocate. Similarly, the invocation to the Holy Spirit given to us by the Lady of All Nations ends with a prayer for Advocacy: "May the Lady of All Nations...be our Advocate!"

3) On the reverse side of the Miraculous Medal, you see Her heart pierced with a sword, parallel to Her Son's heart crowned with thorns. This reminds us of how She, who was conceived mmtrans2.gif (73582 bytes)without sin, cooperated most perfectly in suffering at the foot of the cross and continued to suffer after the death of Her Son as Coredemptrix. On the painted image of the Lady of All Nations, Her hands are clearly pierced with the wounds of Her Son, Jesus Christ. Again this demonstrates Her role as Coredemptrix.


In both apparitions, Our Lady wore a sash tied around Her waist representing the loin-cloth which Our Lord wore at His crucifixion. This is a symbol purity. Mary, the Mother of The Redeemer, wore the girdle/sash around Her waist in exact imitation of Her Son on the Cross with His loin-cloth and all His "sufferings both of body and spirit." This emphasizes that Mary followed Her Son by cooperating perfectly in the work of redemption in every aspect!!! She suffered not only spiritually but physically. "Mark well, what this means...For I stand as the Lady in front of the Cross of the Son" (April 15, 1951).

It is interesting to note that the "M" on the back side of the Miraculous Medal stands before the Cross, just as the Lady of All Nations stands before the Cross. This reminds us that God the Father has deigned the way to Jesus through Mary, Our Mother. It was through a woman that we had fallen and now suffer the effects of original sin; and it is through the Woman that we have received the grace of redemption of Our Lord Jesus Christ! There is also a profound meaning to the fact that the "M" on the reverse side stands slightly before the Cross of Her Son, Jesus, but not detached from it. The fact is that the "M", which represents Mary or what She prefers to be called "Mother", is strategically placed adjacent to the foundation of the Cross; this "foundation" is another crossbar to which the "M" is integrally linked, symbolizing Mary's "physical as well as spiritual suffering" as the Co-redemptrix (cf. April 1, 1951). This crossbar also highlights Mary's vocation as Mediatrix and Advocate to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, reminding each of Her children to "Come to the foot of the altar. There graces will be shed upon all, great and small, who ask for them" (7/18/1830: Words of Mary to St. Catherine Laboure). Similarly on February 17, 1952, the Lady of All Nations said: "Come to the foot of the Cross and draw strength from the Sacrifice!"

Finally, beneath this, the crossbar and the Cross with the M, are the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary deliberately positioned, side by side, to poignantly demonstrate the Spiritual Oneness of Their Sacrificial Love (cf. August 15, 1951; September 20, 1951). Thus, we can readily understand from the Miraculous Medal of 1830 what is meant by Mary when She said of Her image as "The Lady of All Nations" one hundred and twenty years later, on April 1,1951, that She stands "an oblation before the Cross!" As St. Catherine Laboure said, "The 'M' surmounted by the Cross and the Two Hearts say it all!" However, it must be clearly noted that the "M" is subordinately located at the foot of the Cross. This symbolic depiction reminds us that She, the Woman at the foot of the Cross, was also redeemed by Her Lord. Therefore, it is clearly understood from this illustration that Jesus Christ is the One Redeemer while Mary is the Woman who cooperates perfectly with Her Lord as the Co-redemptrix!

In both images of the Miraculous Medal and the Lady of All Nations, Our Mother stands "firmly planted" on the globe, by the will of God, emphasizing Her ongoing maternal and salvific role. At Amsterdam, the Lady of All Nations declared: "I have crushed the snake with My foot"; on the Miraculous Medal, Our Lady stands on the globe with Her foot crushing the head of the serpent (cf. Gen 3:15)! Remarkably, with minimal detail, the Miraculous Medal captures perfectly in artistic form the portrayal of the Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate through Whom we shall see the universality of the one, true Church: the Catholic Church! On the flip side of the Miraculous Medal the universal aspect of the Catholic Church is illustrated and represented by the twelve stars bordering the circumference. Thus, this "new and last dogma in Marian history," (cf. December 31, 1951), that our Lady is asking for now was already imprinted on the Miraculous Medal over 168 years ago. Our Lady has always said that what She is asking for is nothing new. As Our Lord said to Ida Peerdeman at the rue du Bac on May 31, 1969: "What began here [at the rue du Bac] will be continued by the Lady of All Nations" It's amazing!!! "How great are His signs, how mighty His wonders" (Dan 4:3)!


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Above: The front and reverse sides of the Miraculous Medal. The M on the reverse side has been emphasized in black.

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Above: The front of the Miraculous Medal being superimposed on the reverse side of the Medal. The similarities between between this image and that of the Lady of All Nations on the right are obvious and not coincidental. The Miraculous Medal and the image of the Lady of All Nations are one and the same! As Ida Peedeman knelt praying in the Chapel of the Miraculous Medal in the rue du Bac on May 31, 1969 she heard the following words: " What began here will be continued by the Lady of All Nations ! "                   (Eucharistic Experiences, May 31, 1969 )

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Above: The image on the left portrays what the Miraculous Medal would look like if the reverse side were to shine through to the front of the Medal. The image on the right depicts the M of the reverse side of the Miraculous Medal superimposed on the image of the Lady of All Nations. In both images the point of the M indicates the Immaculate Heart.

The message of the Miraculous Medal and the image of the Lady of All Nations is that the serpent's head will be crushed when the Cross stands at the center of this world! On the Miraculous Medal, we see Our Mother's heel crushing the serpent's head. On the image of the Lady of All Nations, we see the Cross at the center of the world.  From the image of the Lady of All Nations, the last apparitions of this Marian era, we now understand clearly how to attain the Victory of Our Mother's Immaculate Heart - the crushing of the serpent's head, as depicted on the front of the Miraculous Medal! When this great day comes, it will be a time when the nations shall rule under God as it was always meant to be! It shall again be a time when the Church is supreme, similar to the days of the Holy Roman Empire and the Cross will truly be the center of this world! But this will only happen when we cooperate with Our Mother in "this great cause" by imitating Her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. If we unite our hearts to Hers "whose heart has always been united to Her Son's heart" and do as She asks, namely say the prayer of Amsterdam for our nation and all nations, go to mass frequently, serve God and live a life of true charity (sacrificing for love of neighbor), and finally crown Her, the Lady of All Nations, then together with Our Mother we shall crush the serpent's head!

Thus, by "beholding Our Mother" and Her example, we too shall become "co-redemptors, mediators, and advocates" beholding the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ! The great promised outpouring of graces from the Holy Spirit will be ushered in converting all men, all nations (cf. Mt 24:14); and the Cross will truly be the center of this world, as is depicted on the back of the Miraculous Medal where the twelve stars which represent the nations of the world encircle the Cross!

On May 31, 1956 the Lady of All Nations appeared to Miss Ida Peerdeman "depicting the way in which [She] shall come." The seer saw this in sculpture and thought: "This representation in sculpture is not correct." For it was not "the present picture" of the Lady of All Nations. On December 8, 1975 during Mass Ida again has a vision of Mary but this time she says: "From the sky I saw coming down the image of the Lady holding a Cross and an orb in Her hands. I saw no sheep. This image was hovering around that church. Then, suddenly, the image stopped beside the church, and I saw the whole flock of sheep come trotting along" (cf Jn 10:3,4,14-16). (This refers to the world conversion as "one, great Community;" the universal Church - the Catholic Church! cf. Gn 12:2-3; Lk 1:45-55.) And on May 31, 1976: "Kneeling down I suddenly saw 'the Glorified Lady' with twelve stars around Her head and wearing a crown (cf. Rev.12:1) It was magnificent and impressive." On November 27, 1830, when Our Mother appeared to St. Catherine Laboure, there were actually three phases of the apparition both represented by two different poses of Our Lady. One pose was that of Mary with hands outstretched and downward with rays of graces emanating towards earth. The other pose that St. Catherine Laboure saw is that of Mary with Her head and eyes angled in an upward glancemmglobe.jpg (148976 bytes) looking to heaven and offering a "golden orb with a cross on it" to God. It is this latter pose that has such a striking similarity to Ida's vision of 1975! St. Catherine Laboure referred to this depiction of Mary as "The Virgin of the Globe." This certainly gives one pause for thought! To say the least it is quite exciting!

The apparition of Mary, Our Mother, as the Virgin of the Globe, to both Ida Peerdeman and St. Catherine Laboure is of tantamount importance. For years St. Catherine Laboure was tormented, almost up until the day she died, because no statue had been made of the Virgin of the Globe. This was so important to her that she broke her own silence of 46 years, that she was the nun to whom the Blessed Virgin had appeared back in 1830, in order to procure the request of the Mother she loved so adoringly. At the time, it was thought to be a peculiar description of our Lady. After all, who had ever heard of Our Lady holding a golden ball with a cross on it. Not your everyday depiction of the Blessed Mother. Yet the nun, Sr. Dufes, to whom St. Catherine made her dying wish realized that heaven knew the significance of this unusual detail even if she didn't. And so the beautiful sculpted statue of the Virgin of the Globe was immediately commissioned. The statue was eventually placed above an altar on the spot of the apparition at the shrine of the Miraculous Medal on the rue du Bac in Paris, France.

So important and perhaps we now know why? In 1856 St. Catherine Laboure conveyed a prophecy to her spiritual director, Fr. Aladel. She said: "Oh, how wonderful it will be to hear, 'Mary is Queen of the Universe'! It will be a time of peace, joy and good fortune that will last long; She will be carried as a banner and She will make a tour of the world." In addition to that St. Catherine seems to have attached special significance to the date of May 31. For example, on one occassion St. Catherine knew she would return to her convent on May 31: "I told you, my good Mother, that I should return to crown you on the thirty-first of May!" Surely, this is no coincidence. Did not the Lady of All Nations say on May 31, 1954: "On this date, [May 31], 'the Lady of All Nations' will receive Her title of 'Lady of All Nations'." Could it be that the Virgin of the Globe represents the "way in which She shall come" after all Her children, all over the world, recognize Her as their Mother, the Mother of All Nations, or as St. Catherine Laboure put it "Queen of the Universe"? Could it be that the 'golden orb with the cross on top' depicts a world where Jesus Christ reigns? Would this not be the fulfillment of the mission of the Lady, the Mother of All Nations, after She is crowned and the resultant shower of graces of the Holy Spirit poured out in abundance upon the earth? Is this not what St. Catherine Laboure saw in the Virgin of the Globe when she referred to Her as Queen of the Universe: the culmination, the final act of Our Mother, lifting the earth to God with all the peoples, all the nations, united together under the Cross of Her Son, Jesus Christ, as "one, great Community" (cf. May 31, 1955)? How truly happy Our Mother will be on that great day! Her Immaculate Heart will be triumphant and God will be truly loved and glorified! Yes, indeed, "it will be a time of peace, joy and good fortune!"

But, first we must like the child, "Zoe" Catherine Laboure, say to Mary: "Now dear Blessed Mother, now You will be My Mother!" And as Catholics, we must tell all the world, all God's children, Who their Mother is by crowning Her: The Mother, The Lady of All Nations: Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate. From there all the rest will follow. So spread the prayer and picture in great numbers and with great zeal. Show the world who their Mother is by wearing the Miraculous Medal! Then we shall see the miracle - the Victory of Our Mother's Immaculate Heart and the conversion of the world and the era of true peace!!!


"Through the Lord to the Lady,

Through the Lady of All Nations to the Lord of All Nations!"

(Message of the Lady of All Nations: May 31, 1958)


Wear The Miraculous Medal

The Miraculous Medal is the composite of this whole Marian era!

It is the beginning and the end of this Marian era!

It is the first apparition of this Marian era - The Immaculate Conception!

It is the last apparition of this Marian era - The Lady of All Nations!

It is the image of

Our Mother and The Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ!



    As most are aware today, there are many false prophets with pretended messages bombarding Christ's followers in an effort to mislead souls or to profit monetarily or both. Among these is a certain individual who appears as a Franciscan priest. He is currently promoting a false prophet who is a middle aged woman and is promulgating "her locutions" pertaining to the Miraculous Medal. These two apostates or heretics, if you will, are encouraging Catholics to buy a "new miraculous medal" with a similarity of the Virgin of the Globe imprinted on it!

    The Miraculous Medal with Our Lady of Grace crushing the serpent's head has already been approved by heaven itself as attested to by millions of miracles which have been attributed to it. Furthermore, the Miraculous Medal is the image of the Lady of All Nations as we have already shown and whose devotions were approved at Amsterdam and Akita! God's designs are perfect! Furthermore, St. Catherine herself stated toward the end of her life in reference to someone who wanted to change the design:

"Do Not Touch The Medal!"

    This "priest", who opposes Our Lady, has been associated with many false apparitions including falsely proclaiming a Eucharistic miracle in the Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey, U.S.A. He was forthrightly censured and has since left that diocese. His reputation precedes him wherever he goes. This "priest" is also associated with other false apparitions. Unfortunately, today there are so many like this heretic who are looking to mislead souls. We would like to point out that, like him, they are perverting or distorting the only approved apparitions and messages of Our Lady with their own "spin offs". They shrewdly deceive others by incorporating orthodox sacramentals and symbols and by linking the limited Church approved messages of this Marian era with their false messages and phony apparitions! Cleverly, they hope to either appear orthodox themselves through association or to confuse the followers of Christ!

   These false prophets have no consciences and the last thing they are interested in is your soul! They lie and steal, resorting to all sorts of deceptions. Many have even stolen our copyrighted work. (We will take care of them as always.) Our organization is independent and dedicated to God Who is Truth and His Mother Who conquers through Truth! This is our only website! We are obligated to warn you of this for the sake of your souls!  As you visit different sites you may notice our exact words and sentences which have been lifted, even our pictures! Does anyone really believe that one who is working for God must steal, lie and deceive? These are foul times!

   Remember the first apparition of this Marian era was to Catherine Laboure at the rue du Bac; the last apparition was to the late Ida Peerdeman of Amsterdam! As we have said, these are Church approved devotions! There are no others. Be careful dear readers..."Be wise as serpents"!!!


Wear The Miraculous Medal

The Miraculous Medal is the composite of this whole Marian era!

It is the beginning and the end of this Marian era!

It is the first apparition of this Marian era - The Immaculate Conception!

It is the last apparition of this Marian era - The Lady of All Nations!

It is the image of

Our Mother and The Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ!



May God bless you, our readers!

May you be guided by His Spirit of Truth!


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